Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hoping my wand arrives today..and see how it affects me...I will check out Amega's other products depending on the wand results. Product has been slow in arriving..BUT Company is growing so fast and with so many great pain relief stories...I'm still very excited and hopeful. Jan

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I received an Email confirmation tracking label from AMEGA/USPS...Yeah! Soon...sleeping through nights...moving without pain, gardening, cooking, painting...all those things I miss.

SOooo excited. Yeah! Be sure and see the video above that I posted today, 98 year old helped with pain by using the wand.. Jan

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I called AMEGA excited about the wand and need PAIN relief now. It's coming [ordered Sunday 3/14] and all is well.
NOTE: There is a 2 to 3 hour wait on phone calls..This Company is growing so fast! Cool.AMEGA shipping was being delayed.. [from upline last Thursday]News on Shipping:*It is with great pleasure to say that our FDA hold we were experiencing has been lifted!!! There are no more delays with shipping and ALL products are able to be released and shipped.
600 orders shipped yesterday
400 went out today
400 more should be out by Friday
2500 are waiting to be released - when we get these shipped, we should be pretty well up-to-date. So things are looking up!!!**I have been receiving phone calls with the good news of people who have been patiently waiting for their wands that they are arriving daily. YEAH!!!!!!Today, 3/23--I asked about sending my products to a 'P.O. Box'...if that would cause a delay...they said ZERO PROBLEM with using a P.O.Box for products. I'm soooo excited. Jan
Photo by kenhodge13

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Welcome To WANDAROSE And My Story

Hi..This is Janet Rose-Bartlett. This product interests me. You see...I was diagnosed with MS in 1999. That same year I had cervicle fussion that went terribly wrong...leaving me with the use of only the right side of my body...with persistance and help of my husband, Steve I recovered...using only a cane, for awhile....
Then, 3 years ago after a fall I created a 3-part fracture of my left shoulder...And, the use of the left arm did not return..I can still move my fingers on my left hand. Slowly, after the broken and dislocated left shoulder, I've lost my steadiness on my feet..and need a walker all the time...I'm in lots of back,hip, neck and shoulder pain...and I get up 5 to 10 times each night for the bathroom..and my husband has to help each time. It's difficult for me to know what my body I can not tell/feel the difference between..pain, cold or bathroom needs anymore.
Over the years, I've had many people approach me ...wanting me to try this juice or that cream etc. ...I've heard that so many times before. I had given up hope.
I am a student at Ramtha's School of Enlightenment in Yelm...I know focus, the mind and energy works...this AMEGA stuff about remembering my source and zero point energy and frequency is inline with my beliefs. COOL
I will report my truthful experiences etc. with the AMEGA WAND here. My wand has not arrived yet as I write this, I have only seen what is on this blog...but, I'm hopeful and excited about it's arrival. I promiss to give you the reader my truthful report of my experiences with this product. JA ROSE-BARTLETT 3/11/10.
Go to for more info. on the Amega Wand and other zero point energy and health products or to join me in AMEGA. Thanks, JA ROSE-BARTLETT
NOTE: You can signup for only $49 and get your foot in the door at the above link and buy the products wholesale, you also get a FREE cyber business web site. If after checking this out you have gained some hope again LIKE I HAVE, take a peek ...The price of the wand is very affortable ,under $300.00 one time and lasts forever..anyway the wand does not need to be recharged [Did ya know M.S. Medication that does not cure the disease and gives flu-like symtons costs $13,000 a month]. Jan and Steve
Thanks to our cousin Dave for respecting our belief system ...AND telling us about this product, Our cousin, Dave, has the Amega Wand ...he has had Amazing results,...he'll be happy to talk to you about his experiences...after hearing his experience, I just had to have a AMEGA WAND right now, and signed up with him at 406/539-9497 or 406/587-0979. Thanks Jan
AMEGA WAND Photo from id=7104
My photo by Crystal Sincoff.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


You can signup for only $49 and get your foot in the door at the above link and buy the products wholesale. This company opened in the US the last week of December, 2009 and earned $42,000 in that week, at end of January they posted $885,000, at end of February, try $2,2million
Go to for more info. on the Amega Wand and other zero point energy and health products or join me in AMEGA. Please Go to link above... Thanks, JA ROSE-BARTLETT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.STATS:
1. Five Year Old Company out of Singapore
2. 600,000 reps in Asia largely by word of mouth and face to face meetings
3. Product Focused (very little discussion around the income as it happens automatically!)
4. 100 Million in sales in 2009
5. Launching in the US in March 2010. Ribbon cutting happened on January 29, 2010
6. Already thousands of testimonials worldwide
7. Opens an office in any country where there are sufficient numbers
8. Company is moving into 'momentum phase' as it hits the US (BIG plus)
9. Futuristic Zero Point Technology products with IMMEDIATE life changing results especially for chronic pain and injury. THE TECHNOLOGY TRIGGERS OUR CELLS TO REMEMBER THEY COME FROM ZERO POINT AND ONCE TRIGGERED THE CELLS HEAL THEMSELVES.
10. This IS something you are going to want to get in on.
Photo from id=7104


AMEGA Helps With Knee Pain



Look...The Amega Wand At Work Video. Thanks, Tawnya, Jan

How To Use The AMEGA Wand

AMEGA WAND...For Animals too.