Friday, April 30, 2010


   I received my Amega AMWand last week. It took awhile to get here. [about 5 weeks]. I will now recommend using a street address for UPS, and not use a post office box or USPS for products.
   Well, the wand has really helped my sleepng...up only two times last night instead of 8...thank you! The sleeping better has been consistant too...every night. The wand reduces my pain...but, so far the pain returns in a few hours. Hoping that will change. I just use the wand again and again.
   So, if you have pain or medical issues...I recomend giving it a try and see. I know now that everyone has their unique and individual experiences with this product...BUT, what does the medical doctors give you AND charge you? This has helped me more than anything the doctors' did. I'm hoping for more changes too. Jan
Photo of me in 1969. with my first husband Ernie.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How's It Going? Amega AMWAND

OK...Been thinking.. 'What should I say?' I've got mixed feelings about my experiences with the wand. I'm just going to be as truthful as I can..OK?

A kind soul lent me their Amega AMWAND..when mine didn't arrive quickly. AND, it's still not here. Yesterday, I called the Amega office for help. My wand is still in Irving, California and the person I talked to had no idea when I'd get it, but my order is there.
I will get ahold of someone 'upline' and see if they can it is' a hour and a half' on the phone, at least, to speak to someone in person.
I'm still in pain, But could be me...lots going on in my body and heard yesterday on a call that...1. Clear the 7 chakras [seals] first before using the wand [wand the areas with the wand]. 2. Take shoes off..better results. 3. Some people with multiple health problems...take wanding daily, over a few weeks to see changes. 4. Having several people with wands, using them at the same time gets faster results. 5. One person is saying close your eyes when getting energy leaves your body through our eyes.
I know I'm a creater/observer from Quantum, 'Do I want to get well?' I DO! Am I ready to give up this pain...YES.' Is this condition serving me?' is my past thoughts that have manifested in my behind slower body [behind my quick mind]...I AM no longer that person. This is clear to me. To say I don't want to get well, the telephone person who said that yesterday...just has NOT had this experience yet, and is not's not that simple.
Doctors' do not know how to help or cure what I, it's up to me. I created this...AND, I can un-create it.
Please read what I my news/story. Decide if this product is right for you by checking everything out yourself. You will know. NURA, the company,
who created these products, is a leading Company in knowledge in energy medicine. Check them out.
I have not giving up or shall I. I will keep wanding myself, when I physically can and ask others wand me too. If it takes 'time'...well, I'm OK with that.
My cousin had great luck with 'wanding' horses. This is so exciting to me. I saw our dog have a lot more energy after I wanded him, he seemed to feel better too. He's old..hard time getting up off the floor. Got up easier.
I have seen in both of us improvement in energy levels and I had pain go away for a few hours and then return. I will continue using this product...and be expecting to 'see' improvements over time. From the videos I've seen...everyone's different, and some experience PAIN RELIEF rapidly.
I don't want to encourage or discourage anyone here. Wishing everyone GREAT experiences caring for themselves health-wise. Love, Jan

Sunday, April 4, 2010

AMEGA AMWand Update 4/4

I'm still in pain off and on...have been using the AMEGA AMWand for two days now. BUT, I see a exciting improvement...last night, I was up ONLY once! That is soooo cool. I've been getting up several times for the bathroom a night for so long that I can't remember how long. The past month , it has been hourly since I twisted my lower back and I can not feel the difference between pain/cold/bathroom needs. [diagnosised with MS in 1999].
The wand is helping with pain, but not as I expected. I 'wand' myself or my husband helps me for about 3-5 minutes when I have level 10 hip-back-leg pain or neck-shoulder-arm-hand pain. It dimishes over the next 15 minutes to around level 2 to 3. Pain has been returning in a couple of hours. I'm hoping this will get better and better and go for longer and longer. I have not taken any pain pills in two days. Jan

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Learn More About The Developer Of AMEGA GLOBAL...NURA

Learn more about the developer of AMEGA GLOBAL...Go here for NURA's site.
NURA's Logo from this site.

My Results With AMEGA AMWand

Yesterday, a kind being loaned us their AMWand, while I'm waiting for mine to arrive. I have been in so much pain and getting up 8-10 X's a night with pain etc. Steve has to help me up and we're both not sleeping...this has been going on for a month or more when I twisted my lower back.
I was diagnoised with MS in 1999, and that same year had a cervical fussion that went very wrong... Also, had a 3-part fracture left shoulder 3 years ago and did not regain use of my left, many things happening here.
As I first started 'wanding' myself...felt slight energy, that's what I'd call odd feeling. Pain was al level 10 slowly..over about 15 minutes reducing to level 2...I was crying and thankful.
That was about 5pm, by 7pm pain had returned and back at 10. Didn't know how I'd sleep pain meds were only lasting an hour or so the night before and hot water bottles to pain would let me sleep about an hour too.
Steve heated the water bottle and put in on my hip-back area...I fell asleep, pretty disappointed that the pain had returned. BUT, I was up only 4 times last night...down from 8-10 times and took NO pain Pills.
This morning when having coffee noticed the hip pain was reduced from level 10 yerterday's level, to about 3. First time in weeks.
My left shoulder seems more relaxed and not as spastic. I have less muscle spasms overall my body...more relaxed.
So, I'm encouraged and hopeful that if I continue to 'wand' myself I'll have more and more pain relief. I'll let everyone know how it gos.
I'm still in pain but, it's reduced...Jan 4/3/10

Friday, April 2, 2010

Yay...UPDATE 4/2

OK...Wanding myself as I write this. My wand has not arrived BUT, Steve met a kind soul this afternoon..who had a AMEGA AMWAND and Steve was just saying how we were getting up several X's a night , I was in lots of PAIN etc. [not knowing the guy had a wand]. This BEAUTIFUL KIND man just handed his wand to Steve and said take it to me....'THANK YOU..THANK YOU kind man'...I'm now crying...the pain is much less [from level 10.can't stand it to about 2... hardly feel it. WOW..Jan] wanding my dog -Mr. Johnson next, get inline, folks...YAY !it works.Happy Jan
Photo happy Steve. Jan

Thursday, April 1, 2010

update 4/1

I called Amega today. Number for ba's---302/482-3663. My wand is being shipped out today by PRIORITY MAIL. YAY. Didn't sleep much last night, really looking forward to this. SMILING, Jan


AMEGA Helps With Knee Pain



Look...The Amega Wand At Work Video. Thanks, Tawnya, Jan

How To Use The AMEGA Wand

AMEGA WAND...For Animals too.