Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Results With AMEGA AMWand

Yesterday, a kind being loaned us their AMWand, while I'm waiting for mine to arrive. I have been in so much pain and getting up 8-10 X's a night with pain etc. Steve has to help me up and we're both not sleeping...this has been going on for a month or more when I twisted my lower back.
I was diagnoised with MS in 1999, and that same year had a cervical fussion that went very wrong... Also, had a 3-part fracture left shoulder 3 years ago and did not regain use of my left, many things happening here.
As I first started 'wanding' myself...felt slight energy, that's what I'd call odd feeling. Pain was al level 10 slowly..over about 15 minutes reducing to level 2...I was crying and thankful.
That was about 5pm, by 7pm pain had returned and back at 10. Didn't know how I'd sleep pain meds were only lasting an hour or so the night before and hot water bottles to pain would let me sleep about an hour too.
Steve heated the water bottle and put in on my hip-back area...I fell asleep, pretty disappointed that the pain had returned. BUT, I was up only 4 times last night...down from 8-10 times and took NO pain Pills.
This morning when having coffee noticed the hip pain was reduced from level 10 yerterday's level, to about 3. First time in weeks.
My left shoulder seems more relaxed and not as spastic. I have less muscle spasms overall my body...more relaxed.
So, I'm encouraged and hopeful that if I continue to 'wand' myself I'll have more and more pain relief. I'll let everyone know how it gos.
I'm still in pain but, it's reduced...Jan 4/3/10

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AMEGA Helps With Knee Pain



Look...The Amega Wand At Work Video. Thanks, Tawnya, Jan

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AMEGA WAND...For Animals too.